Getting Each Other into Heaven
So, if I see you moving away from heaven and don’t quite know how to tell you with thoughtful kindness, I have to tell you anyway. The better error to make is that I miss the mark with compassion. The worst error to make is to miss the mark by not delivering the message at all.

The Shadow Side of Compassion
To prevent the sufferer from attaining heroic form because we cannot bear to know that suffering abounds is the real tragedy. The Shadow side of compassion looms darker than the suffering itself, for nothing meaningful comes from it.

The Illusion of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is quite unscientific, and for these companies to be rooted in evidence-based research and science, it is bewildering that many of them rely on EI as part of their philosophies and professional development, particularly the development of their leadership.

The Implications of our Lives
The implications of our lives may be best understood as the emotional and psychological impact perpetually bestowed upon us by those significant events.
The Blessed Fall
And maybe, by some small miracle, we can begin to understand why tragedy has occurred, which is to set in motion a revelation of a truth about you that can only begin through a violent and forceful disruption of our sense of self and the world.

Actions & Meaning: Why Everything We Do Matters
Hence, each action we take in life moves us towards meaning or meaninglessness. There is no middle ground!
The Illusion of Masculinity in Relationships
It appears to me that the great fallacy of the so-called “masculinity movement” is found in man’s attempts to establish well-defined thresholds where nuance has not yet been explored.
The Bestowing Fire
The bestowing fire imparted into our souls burns inside us. If we hide it, or attempt to suppress it, it burns everything, leaving only emptiness. And that is not good.

The Denial of the Feminine Archetype
He is rigorously subjected to a myriad of trials and tribulations that could very well bring him to an end or, if he passes, emerge with a deeper understanding of this process. And that is useful.

The Edge of Certainty: Part II
We have to do the dirty work. Otherwise, we are manipulating reality, and that is deceitful.

Meaning: Orientation or Utility
Meaning as an orientation ensures that we find fulfillment in endeavors that enhance relationships and ourselves in a wholesome, virtuous manner.

Self-Deception as Experiential Avoidance
There is a thin, blurry line between self-confidence and self-deception.

The Problem of Today's Man and the Modern Woman
One of the more damning themes that have emerged in my work is that femininity is often seen as something restrictive, weak, and limiting.